

Be aware that

📓Code samples use the expression namespace, which assumes you are using the unlocked package. If you are not, you can remove the namespace prefix from the code samples.

Use expression.Evaluator class to evaluate formulas.

String formula = '1 + 1';
Object result =;
Assert.areEqual(2, result);

You can also evaluate formulas providing an SObject Id as context. This allows you to make reference to merge fields in the formula and the framework will take care of querying the correct values.

📓 One SOQL query is consumed when using this endpoint.

Account account = new Account(Name = 'ACME');
insert account;

Object result ='Name', account.Id);
Assert.areEqual('ACME', result);

Finally, you can use evaluate formulas providing an SObject as context. This can save you a query if you already have the SObject in memory.

When using this endpoint, the caller is in charge of providing the correct context with the correct fields being referenced in the formula correctly queried.

Account account = new Account(Name = 'ACME');
Object result ='Name', account);
Assert.areEqual('ACME', result);

References to related (child or parent) records are also supported.

You can reference parent relationships through dot notation:

Account parentAccount = new Account(Name = 'ACME');
insert parentAccount;

Account childAccount = new Account(Name = 'ACME Child', ParentId = parentAccount.Id);
insert childAccount;

Object result ='Parent.Name', childAccount);
Assert.areEqual('ACME', result);

You can reference fields on child data in two ways: either referencing the child list directly to get aggregate data:

Object result ='SIZE(ChildAccounts)', parentAccount);
Assert.areEqual(1, result);

Or you can use some of the collection functions (like MAP or WHERE) to extract (or map) data out of the child records or filter records. See more information about these functions here.
