Language Features

Querying Record Data

The Query Function

A special function, QUERY, is provided which allows you to query data from the database. This is useful when the data you want to use is not provided as part of the context.

Note that not all Expression functions can be used within a QUERY function. Only the following functions specified throughout this page are supported, and these are only supported within the where filter.

The QUERY function behaves differently than other functions. Instead of taking a list of arguments, it supports a special type of syntax that allows you to specify the object type, fields, filters and other query parameters.


There are 3 parts to a QUERY call:


The name of the object you wish to query. Note that this is not a string literal (it should not be quoted), instead it is a reference to the SObject type.

This is the only required part of the query. Only specifying the object name will return all records of that type.

QUERY(Account) # Returns all Account records, with only the Id field populated

It is important to keep in mind that queries are performed with sharing by default, so any records that the user does not have access to will not be returned or taken into account in the operation.

To change this behavior, use configuration settings used by the evaluator by passing an expression.Configuration object to the run method with a sharing property set to expression.Configuration.SharingMode.WITHOUT.


After the SObjectName, the query filters can be optionally specified within parentheses. The filters supported are where, orderBy, limit and offset.


The where filter allows you to specify the conditions to filter the results by. Within a where filter, you can use the same operators as in an Expression, but they behave slightly differently, as they are used specifically to build the SOQL query, so they are not evaluated at runtime.

QUERY(Account(where: Name = "Acme"))
QUERY(Account(where: Name == "Acme"))
QUERY(Account(where: NumberOfEmployees > 5) [Id, Name, NumberOfEmployees])
QUERY(Account(where: NumberOfEmployees >= 5) [Id, Name, NumberOfEmployees])

where filters also support the && and || operators to combine multiple conditions.

QUERY(Account(where: Name = "Acme" && NumberOfEmployees > 5))

Alternatively, you can also use the AND and OR functions.

QUERY(Account(where: AND(Name = "Acme", NumberOfEmployees > 5)))

Besides AND and OR, other supported functions within a where filter are:

  • LIKE
  • ISIN
  • DATE
  • NOW


The LIKE function can be used to perform a partial match. The LIKE function takes 2 arguments, the first is the field to match against, and the second is the value to match. The value can contain the same wildcards supported by a SOQL query (%, _).

QUERY(Account(where: LIKE(Name, "Test 5%")) [Id, Name])


The ISIN and ISNOTIN functions can be used to perform a match against a list of values. Both functions take 2 arguments, the first is the field to match against, and the second is the list of values to match for or against.

QUERY(Account(where: ISIN(Name, ["Test 1", "Test 2"])) [Id, Name])
QUERY(Account(where: ISNOTIN(Name, ["Test 1", "Test 2"])) [Id, Name])


The ISNULL and ISNOTNULL functions can be used to perform a match against a null value. Both functions take 1 argument, the field to match against.

QUERY(Account(where: ISNULL(Name)) [Id, Name])
QUERY(Account(where: ISNOTNULL(Name)) [Id, Name])

Order By

The orderBy filter allows you to specify the field to sort the results by.

QUERY(Account(orderBy: Name))

An direction can also be specified after the field reference. The direction should either be ASC or DESC. The default is ASC.

QUERY(Account(orderBy: Name DESC))

You can also order by multiple fields and directions by using a comma separated list (using []) instead of a single field.

QUERY(Account(orderBy: [Name DESC, CreatedDate ASC]))


The limit filter allows you to specify the maximum number of records to return.

QUERY(Account(limit: 10))


The offset filter allows you to specify the number of records to skip before returning the results.

QUERY(Account(offset: 10))


After the filters, a list of fields can be optionally specified within square brackets. If no fields are specified, only the Id field will be populated.


The fields can either be string literals (quoted) or the field references (no quotes).


Subqueries can be used to query related records. Subqueries are specified by using the QUERY function within the field list.

        QUERY(Contacts[Id, FirstName, LastName])

Within a subquery, you can also specify any of the filters supported by the QUERY function.

Using variables

Even though a QUERY context only support a subset of the Expression functions, you can still use variables within the query. This allows you to build dynamic queries based on your custom logic.

        "$averageAnnualRevenue": Query(Account[AnnualRevenue]) 
            -> MAP(AnnualRevenue) 
            -> AVERAGE()
    Query(Account(where: AnnualRevenue > $averageAnnualRevenue)[Name]) -> MAP(Name)
String Interpolation