

Form Compatible

The Button component allows you to display a button that can be used to trigger an action or navigate to a URL.


Experience Builder Sites

Data Structure

   label: string,
   type: 'submit' | 'action' | 'navigation_namedPage' | 'navigation_url',
   src: string,
   callback: string
  • label - Expression that evaluates to a String - The label to display on the button.
  • type - Expression that evaluates to a String - The type of button to display. Valid values are submit, action, navigation_namedPage, navigation_url
  • src - Depending on the type specified, this can hold one of the following values:
    • submit or action - Reference to an Apex action to execute using the $Action.Apex.ClassName format.
    • navigation_namedPage - The API name of the page to navigate to.
    • navigation_url - The URL to navigate to.
  • callback - Only to be used when the action type is specified. This should be a reference to an LWC action using the $Action.LWC.ActionName format. The special variable $returnValue can be used to reference the return value of the action.

Action Types

The type property determines how the button will behave when clicked. The following types are supported with their respective behaviors:

  • submit

To use this type the button must be placed inside a Form component. When clicked, the form will be submitted (the Apex action referenced in the src property will be executed) receiving the form data as a Map.

  • action

When clicked, the Apex action referenced in the src property will be executed.

  • navigation_namedPage

When clicked, the user will be navigated to the page referenced in the src property. The src property should evaluate to a String containing the API name of the page to navigate to.

  • navigation_url

When clicked, the user will be navigated to the URL referenced in the src property. The src property should evaluate to a String containing the URL to navigate to.


  "label": "Checkout",
  "type": "action",
  "src": $Action.Apex.CreateSalesOrder("00A56643Dr563lcwkL"),
  "callback": $Action.Lwc.GoToNamedPage({
    "name": "checkout__c",
    "id": $returnValue


For more on how to call Apex actions, see Apex Interoperability


After executing an action, it is common to want to react to that action in some way. This is accomplished through callbacks and LWC Interoperability. To reference an LWC callback, use the $Action.Lwc.ActionName(parameter_expression) format.

The following LWC action names are supported:

  • GoToNamedPage

This action navigates to a named page. A Map expression with a "name" property must be provided containing the page's API Name. To add query parameters to the URL, pass as many extra keys to the map as you wish.

  "name": "pageApiName",
  "namedParam1": "success",
  "namedParam2": "any_value"
  • GoToUrl

This action navigates to a URL. A Map expression with a "name" property must be provided containing the URL.

  "name": "pageApiName"
  • Reload

This action reloads the page.
